Monday, September 8, 2008

To Whom It May Concern, by Emory "Merlin" Host

Emory "Merlin" Host
1313 Nowhere Ln.
Invisiville, ISA 00000

To Whom It May Concern;

My name is Emory "Merlin" Host and I'm looking for a job. I need to work, see, to survive. All of my experience lies in befriending young children from the ages of 2 to 15, or whenever they decide that the trials of reality are plenty enough for their brains to comprehend, at which point I step away meekly, and move onto the next young soul in search of a friend. Some call my position that of "Imaginary Friend," but I personally prefer "Unseen Social Companion," or "Friend that cannot be seen or heard, but exists nonetheless, even if those with limited imagination think he doesn't."

As an Unseen Social Companion, I feel my strength comes from an intuition only children can respect. I generally guess pretty well the plotting of tiny plastic villains and the amount of noise acceptable when sneaking soda out of the kitchen refrigerator at all hours of the night. I make glorious sketches of tiger pits and quicksand, used primarily in overhead drawings of bases, camps, outposts, headquarters, moonstations, and castles. I have a blackbelt in five forms of shadow karate, and my automatic gunfire ventriloquism includes m-16s, ak-47s, laser beam rifles, sonic cannons, and blowguns. Mostly though, I'm up for anything, from sandboxing to large scale multi-genre action figure theaters of warfare across lawns, gardens, households and bathtubs.

I require little in my acceptance of any imaginary position. A smoke break here and there and some weekends to let my hair down and hang out with my friends. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further about this position, and have included my resume and references with this cover letter.

Best luck in your search and pleasent dreams in your sleep,

Emory "Merlin" Host, Unseen Social Companion

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